Medical Quiz

Topics: Pathogens Quiz

What is the treatment for bacterial infectious?

A. Vaccines

B. Albendazol

C. Ketoconazol

D. Antibiotics

Select your answer:


Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Immunology Cardiovascular System Macro and Micro Nutrients Medicine on the Western Front Careers in Health Care Eye Histology Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels ESR (RBC sed rate) Safety Terms Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Systematic Bacteriology Sensory System Key Terms Infectious Diseases & the WHO

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How do fish breathe underwater?

A. Fish breathe underwater using gills to extract oxygen from water.

B. Fish breathe through their skin to absorb oxygen.

C. Fish extract oxygen from the surface of the water.

D. Fish use lungs to breathe air like mammals.

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What pushes food from the mouth to the stomach?

A. Stomach

B. Gall bladder

C. Esophagus