Medical Quiz

Topics: Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Quiz

How many people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England?

A. 1 in 4 people

B. 1 in 5 people

C. 1 in 6 people

D. 1 in 8 people

Select your answer:


Branches of Microbiology Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Medical Microbiology Pathophysiology - Inflammation Vet Terminology Vaccines Living Organisms Blood and Bones Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Blood Injury Ecology & Organisms Endocrine System Terms Cell Membrane and Transport Radiography

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The term facultative anaerobic refers to an organism that

A. doesn’t use oxygen but tolerates it

B. it killed by oxygen

C. uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when absent

D. requires less oxygen that is present in air

Paeds Edema › View

The acute renal failure in Post Streptoccal GN is due to

A. rapidly reducing glomerular filtration rate

B. damage to the basement membrane

C. activation of renin angiotensin system

D. Edema