Topics: Measles and Hib Quiz
What are Koplik spots?
A. Rash that appears on the abdomen
B. Spots that appear in mouth
C. Rash that appears on the limbs
D. Spots that appear under the nails
Select your answer:
Burns and Skin Cancer Histology Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work A Treat For Mosquitoes Skin Structure What is Psychology? Neuron Structure Cell Division Medical Vocabulary Ecology Protein Synthesis Enzymes Transportation All About Blood Nail Disorders and Diseases Tissues VocabularyOther quiz:
ESR (RBC sed rate) › ViewSpecimens needs Sodium Citrate tube collection
A. Wintrobe or Modified Westergren
B. true Westergren
Viruses › View
Viruses are _______.
A. producers
B. consumers
C. parasites
D. decomposers