Medical Quiz

Topics: Macromolecules Quiz

Used for short term (quick) energy.

A. carbohydrates

B. lipids

C. proteins

D. nucleic acids

Select your answer:


Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Carbohydrates The Teeth Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Mitosis Deficiency Diseases Enzymes and Their Functions Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) DNA Human Eye and Colorful World Bone Marrow Histology Excretion-Dialysis Muscle & Nerve Tissue Pathology Inflammation Science Reproduction

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The study of the process of living things…..why and how they work is ______.

A. anatomy

B. physiology

C. pathophysiology

D. pathoanatomy

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What is the name of the cellulose digesting bacteria present in ruminants?

A. Escherichia

B. Bacillus

C. Listeria monocytogenes