Medical Quiz

Topics: Infectious Diseases Quiz

Which disease can be cured by just oral rehydration?

A. Malaria

B. Cholera



Select your answer:


Nail Enhancement Heart and Blood Vessels Orthopedics Body Fluids and Blood Cells Biochemistry Vocabulary Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Pancreatitis Cell Reproduction Heart Structure and Double Circulation Medicine Clinics Properties of The Hair and Scalp 5 Major Food Groups Vitals First Aid Check up

Other quiz:

Physical › View

What is physical fitness?

A. The ability to do everyday tasks without getting tired.

B. The way your body adapts to the stress of exercise.

C. Any physical activities that improves your ability to complete tasks.

D. All of the abo

Cell Theory and Cell Organelles › View

What organelle stores waste and water in both plant and animal cells?

A. Lysosomes

B. Golgi Complex

C. Vacuoles

D. Endoplasmic Reticulum