Medical Quiz

Topics: Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Quiz

when you prepare for a javelin throw, your throwing elbow should be ___________

A. bent

B. rotated

C. flexed

D. extended

Select your answer:


Reproductive System Vocabulary BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Blood Formation and Clotting Macromolecules Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Cellular Respiration Biotechnology: Tools & Techniques Genetics Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Body System Interactions Enzyme Nail Disorders and Diseases Gestalt Therapy Head and Neck Anatomy Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric

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Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems › View

This group of bones, protects the body’s vital organs such as the brain and the lungs.

A. joints

B. axial skeleton

C. appendicular skeleton

D. cartilages

Heart › View

What are the thick inferior chambers of the heart that pump blood into the arteries called?

A. Ventricles

B. Atria

C. Auricles

D. Trabeculae carneae

E. AV valves