Topics: Endocrine System Disorders Quiz
What is the main symptom of diabetes mellitus?
A. Heat intolerance
B. Obesity
C. Mental retardation
D. High sugar concentration in blood
Select your answer:
Neuroanatomy & Physiology Tissue Repair Pathology Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Dyslexia Cardio and Resp Disorders Inflammation and Tissue Repair Eye or Nose Injuries Epithelial Genetic Engineering Homeostasis Digestive System Tracheostomy Care Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Philosophy TrichologyOther quiz:
Life Processes › ViewWhat is digestion?
A. Breaking down food into molecules usable by cells
B. Taking in food or drink
C. Maintaining a stable internal environment
D. Taking in or releasing of oxygen or carbon dioxide
Nervous System › View
Rest & digest
A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic