Topics: Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Quiz
Chronic as a non-communicable disease means it…?
A. lasts for a longer period of time and progress gradually.
B. a very short time and a speedy recovery
Select your answer:
Illness and Symptoms Eye in Color Vision Protozoan Diseases Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Smoking Related Diseases Muscular System NCHSE Normal Radiographic Anatomy CV System A&P & Pathology Musculoskeletal System Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Reproduction Pancreas Parts of Human Body Circulatory & Lymphatic BMI, Body Composition and Body TypesOther quiz:
Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up › ViewImmunity provided by B lymphocytes;
A. Humoral
B. Cell mediated
C. auto immune
D. innate
Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery › View
Split brain patients had undergone surgery, a commissurotomy involves cutting what part of the brain?
A. The cerebellum
B. The corpus collosum
C. The cortex
D. The cerebral cortex