Medical Quiz

Topics: Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Quiz

examples of communicable diseases…

A. cold and sneezing

B. broken leg or arms

C. typhoid, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy

Select your answer:


EM Spectrum Compact Bone Nutrition In Animal Anxiety Disorders DNA Mycology Digestion and Microbes Cardiology Medications Thyroid Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Blood Cells Diseases Key Terms Pharmacology Histology Burns and Skin Cancer

Other quiz:

Human Circulatory System › View

What are the blood cells?

A. Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.

B. The buffy coat and plasma proteins.

C. Blood cells, cell fragments, and plasma.

D. All compounds synthesized by the blood.

Health Systems › View

A. Federal health insurance program administered by the state for people with income below the poverty level
B. Federal health insurance for the elderly
C. Fee paid for services rendered
D. Health insurance for members of the military and their families