Medical Quiz

Topics: Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Quiz

Breastfeeding is how a baby will acquire a _____________

A. Natural active immunity

B. Natural passive immunity

C. Artificial active immunity

D. Artificial passive immunity

Select your answer:


Macro and Micro Nutrients Parkinson Disease Lungs Nervous and Endocrine System Eye Physiology Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Thrombosis, Emboliya Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Economic importance of Bacteria Cell Reproduction Medical Nursing Animal Genetics and Nutrition Vessels

Other quiz:

The Blood › View

What is plasma?

A. only white blood cells

B. only red blood cells

C. fluid part of blood

D. hemoglobin

Molecular Biology › View

When an organism oxidizes food, some of the energy is lost. Which best explains this loss of energy?

A. Energy is released as heat

B. Energy is stored for later use

C. Energy is converted to waste

D. Energy is converted to chemical compounds