Topics: Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Quiz
The diagram shows a pathogen, what is the arrow pointing to on the surface of the pathogen?
A. a molecule called an antigen
B. a molecule called an antibody
Select your answer:
Asthma Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Cardiology Medications Monoclonal Antibodies Organelles Mitosis Urinary System Medical Terms Philosophy Cholera Human Genome and Bioethics Review Nutrition and Calorific Value Lungs Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Nursing Vocabulary OncologyOther quiz:
Molecular Genetics › ViewAny change in the sequence of DNA is…
A. transgenic shift
B. Single Genotype
C. Monohybrid Trait
D. Mutation
Musculoskeletal System › View
A band of connective tissue fibers that attach one bone to another is a ______ .
A. ligament
B. tendon
C. joint
D. cartilage