Topics: Disease & Immunity Quiz
What do memory cells do?
A. Kills the virus
B. Eats the virus
C. Patrol the area and make the immune system work faster next time.
D. Makes antibodies
Select your answer:
DNA Enzyme Malaria Genetic Engineering Diseases of The Body Systems Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Muscoskeletal System Central and Peripheral Nervous System Hazards & Risks Vitamin Hair Evidence Muscular System NCHSE Homeotic Genes and Cancer Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Human Anatomy Study GuideOther quiz:
Healthy Foundations › ViewWhich answer lists the 3 dimensions of health?
A. climate, geography, & economic
B. nutrition, fitness, & body composition
C. physical, mental & emotional, social
D. home, school, & work
CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs › View
The IB also provides insight to support the clinical management of the trial ……………… during the course of the clinical trial.
A. Applicant
B. Sponsor
C. Investigator
D. Subjects