Topics: Cytology and Histology Quiz
Which of the following conditions lead to rapid growth of actin filaments, adding monomers at both ends?
A. Concentration of free actin monomers is very high
B. Actin-binding proteins’ inhibition
C. Presence of severing proteins that destabilize the filament
D. Low concentration of ATP-actin monomers
Select your answer:
The Vascular System and Blood Flow Anatomy Muscles Bacteria History of Immunology Endocrinology Inflammation and Tissue Repair Food Microbiology Biomedical Diabetes Human Genome and Bioethics Review Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Mouth - Stomach Blood Donation Genetics and Probability Basics of CardiologyOther quiz:
Human Body › ViewThere is a person who has blood group B and wants blood. He can receive blood from which all blood groups??
A. A and O
B. B
C. B and O
Pharmacology › View
The ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system are typically found:
A. near or within the target organs they innervate
B. in the brainstem
C. in the peripheral nerves
D. in the spinal cord