Medical Quiz

Topics: Circulatory & Respiratory System Quiz

Which body system helps the respiratory system distribute oxygen and return waste carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled?

A. Circulatory system

B. Digestive system

C. Excretory system

D. Muscular system

Select your answer:


Food for Thought Diseases Physical Pharmacy Anatomy and Histology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Radiology Infection Control Immunity in Humans Cardiorespiratory Endurance Muscle Anatomy Myocarditis Enzymes and Their Functions Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Bacteria and Protist Review Skeleton

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In hypoxic cell injury, cell swelling occurs because of increased intracellular

A. lipid

B. lipid

C. glycogen

D. lipofuscin

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Biologists put extra effort into protecting these because they have many species living in them.
A. Cities
B. Biodiversity Hotspots
C. Farms
D. Conservation stations