Medical Quiz

Topics: Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Quiz

Which of the following is a POSITIVE Feedback loop to maintain homeostasis?

A. Increasing body temperature when cold by shivering

B. Decreasing body temerature when hot when sweating

C. Increasing blood flow to a small cut to stimulate scab formation

D. Decreasing heart rate & blood pressure in a stressful situation (such as an Anatomy test!)

Select your answer:


Pharmacology BMI (Body Mass Index) Pediatric Cardiology Non-Communicable Disease Eye Nutritional Measurements Nutrition & Wellness Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Joints Pulmonary Edema and CHF Characteristics of Life Pharmacology Calculations Urinary System and Fluid Balance Renal System - Pharmacology Respiratory Diseases

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Cells deeper in the epidermis die. Cells in the dermis are injured and may die.

A. First-degree burn

B. Second-degree burn

C. Third-degree burn

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When two ions of opposite charges are attracted to each other, _______ bonds can form

A. ionic

B. covalent