Topics: Biological Molecules and Enzymes Quiz
What are the main functions of lipids in the human body?
A. Regulation of body temperature
B. Production of antibodies
C. Energy storage, structural components of cell membranes, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
D. Transport of oxygen in the blood
Select your answer:
Integumentary System Medical Terminology Haematology Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food MS Neurology DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Body Systems and Medical Sciences Infection Control Protein Synthesis Enzymes Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Health and Medicine Cells & Body Systems Gaseous Exchange in Humans The Teeth Musculoskeletal Vocabulary Skin Structure and GrowthOther quiz:
Terms and Definitions - Diseases › Viewa tiny, nonliving particle that can infect cells and cause diseases and cannot be killed with antibiotics
A. acute
B. chronic
C. bacteria
D. virus
E. lymphatic system
Breath › View
Failure of breathing of the obstructive form develops:
A. stagnation in the pulmonary circulation
B. narrowing of the airways
C. lowering resistance to air movement
D. increased resistance to air movement and pneumonia
E. decrease in resistance to air movement and laryngospasm