Topics: Basics of Cardiology Quiz
Which layer lines the interior of the heart and provides a smooth lining?
A. Myocardium
B. Pericardium
C. Epicardium
D. Endocardium
Select your answer:

Viruses and Prions Health issue related to immune system Systematic Bacteriology Diet Life Cycle - Bee Cell Structure and Function Concept Homeostasis and Disease Sports Medicine Fitness Limitation of Senses Nutrition In Animal Geriatrics Defence against Infectious Diseases Levels of Organization Selective BreedingOther quiz:
Healthy Lifestyle › ViewWhich group of food should be taken in smaller amount?
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrates
D. Fiber
Pathology › View
What is the most important post-mortem changes
A. Cadaveric cooling
B. Putrefaction
C. Dehydration of the corpse
D. Cadaveric rigidity