Medical Quiz

Topics: Bacterial Growth Quiz

What is a characteristic of high-risk foods?

A. They require further heat treatment or cooking.

B. They do not support the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

C. They are ready-to-eat and support the growth of pathogenic bacteria easily.

D. They are always raw foods.

Select your answer:


Blood and Hematology Muscles and Healthy Body Forensics Terms Pulmonology Deficiency Diseases Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Inherited & Acquired Traits Toxicology Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Cell Transport Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Virus and Bacteria Musculoskeletal - Clinical

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A. optic nerve

B. ear canal

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A. gluteus maximus

B. stapedius muscle

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