Medical Quiz

Medicine on the Western Front Quiz

What type of people made up the FANY?

A. paid women

B. male volunteers

C. female volunteers

D. people who refused to fight in the war

Select your answer:


Neuroanatomy of CNS The Cell Hospitality Cells Tissues of The Body HHB Immunology Surgical Nutrition Consciousness and Sleep Cardiorespiratory System Brain and Nervous System Children Well-being Biochemistry/Cells Biology Assessment Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Tutor Oral Biology

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Food › View

Nectar is

A. A place where bees live

B. Honey

C. Sweet juice of flowers

D. Name of Queen bee

Skeletal System › View

The following are some ways of keeping our bones healthy and strong except.

A. Eat the proper kinds of foods

B. have too much exposure to sunlight

C. Have enough exercise and rest

D. Maintain proper posture

E. Keep safe