Medical Quiz

Blood and Bones Quiz

Where are three places you can find cartilage?

A. nose, tongue and eyes

B. nose, ears and joints

C. fingernails, lips and eyes

D. skin, eyes and lungs

Select your answer:


Vision and Light Deficiency Diseases Agents of Disease Haematology How the Eyes work Body System Interactions Neuroanatomy & Physiology Tongue and Skin Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Hospital Departments Degeneration Pathology Tracheostomy Care Nail Disorders and Diseases Body Defense Neurological Disorders

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highly contagious, acute viral respiratory illness that now has a vaccine; causes total body skin rash and fever along with breathing difficulty; no longer; has not originated in the US since 2000, but many outbreaks from foreign travelers

A. Tubercuolsis

B. Whooping Cough

C. Trichinosis

D. Measles

Infectious Diseases › View

In malaria, symptoms appear when the ring stage trophozoites mature into schizonts which rupture and release merozoites.