Medical Quiz

Contemporary Nutrition Issues Quiz

Which of the following diet-related disorders has the highest economic cost in Australia?

A. Cardiovascular disease

B. Gluten intolerance

C. Type 2 Diabetes

D. Osteoperosis

Select your answer:


Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Skin Appendages Psoriasis Pain Management Ears Patho_Genetics MEDICINE Breath Pulmonology DNA and RNA Structures Measles and Hib DNA Structure and Function Circulatory & Respiratory Mitosis Metabolic Sauver

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When inflammatory process is present, fibrinogen enters the blood in high amounts and causes red cells to stick to each other

C-Reactive Protein Test

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

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If scientists engineer the DNA of tomatoes to make them survive in cold temperatures, what do those tomatoes become?

A. Human Genome Project

B. Genetically Modified Organisms

C. Punnett Squares

D. Gene Therapy