★ Homeostasis Quiz
The body part that senses the change inside the organism …
A. receptor
B. control center
C. effector
D. response
Select your answer:
Muscoskeletal Injuries Common Respiratoty Diseases Endodontic Surgery The Nervous System EMR - Trauma Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Life Processes Excretion Vision and Light Pathology Cartilage First Aid Check up Muscular System NCHSE Disabilities Diversity Radiation and HealthOther quiz:
Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics › ViewTiny, thin walled blood vessels that exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide
A. capillary beds
B. aterioles
C. venuoles
ESR (RBC sed rate) › View
1. Decreased diameter of the tube
2. Using old blood collected longer than 2 hrs
3. Temperature decrease below 20ºC
4. incorrect anticoagulant to blood ratio
5. air bubbles
6.Partially clotted samples (uses up fibrinogen).
A. fall faster,
increasing ESR
B. fall slower,
decreasing ESR