Medical Quiz

Human Organs Quiz

How does a pair of skeletal muscles work together?
A. both muscles contract at the same time
B. both muscles relax and then work together
C. when one muscle contracts, the other relaxes
D. When one muscle is voluntary, the other is involuntary

Select your answer:


Psychopathology Bacteria Circulatory & Respiratory System Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors PHE Healthy Lifestyle Head and Neck Anatomy Fats And Oil A&P Musculoskeletal Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Gaseous Exchange in Humans Histology: Cell & Epithelial Tissue The Skeletal System Malaria Musculoskeletal System Medicinal use of Microorganisims

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The Indian society of psychiatric nurses was formed in the year

A. 1986

B. 1989

C. 1991

D. 1995

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Which nutrient helps to fill your cells, dissolve materials, digest food, dilute wastes, and main body temperature?

A. Water

B. Vitamins

C. Minerals

D. Proteins