Medical Quiz

Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Quiz

After the blood passes through the tricuspid valve, what chamber does it enter?

A. Right Ventricle

B. Left Ventricle

C. Right Atrium

D. Left Atrium

Select your answer:


Bacteria and Protist Review Radiation and Health Health and Disease Enzyme Child Growth and Development Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Cardiology Medications Disease Prevention The Teeth Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Pathology of Respiratory System Pathology Endocrine Microbio (Viruses) Hearing Impairment Lungs

Other quiz:

Biotechnology › View

What is the most complete and accurate definition of biotechnology?

A. Domestication of plants and animals.

B. The study of biology with a focus on modern technologies

C. The use or modification of living organisms to develop or make products

D. Modern farming techniques

Muscle Anatomy › View

Which of the following puts the structures of the muscle in order from largest to smallest?

A. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril, muscle fasicle

B. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, actin & myosin

C. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, muscle fasicle, myofibril, actin & myosin

D. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril