Medical Quiz

Pollution Quiz

Which object is NOT carried by runoff into streams and rivers?

A. ozone

B. fertilizer

C. pesticides

D. sediment

Select your answer:


Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Your Body Immunity & Cancer Enzymes and ATP Structure Human Eye Physical Education and Health Tissues Vocabulary Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Blood clotting Inheritance Skeletal Tissue Food Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Body Systems Types of Nutrients

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Oncology › View

GS is a newly diagnosed prostate cancer patient being treated with androgen deprivation. Which of the following are appropriate counseling points for a new patient starting on an LH-RH agonist?

A. Patient may experience side effects such as a loss in libido, hot flashes, and impotence

B. Patient may experience changes in blood pressure

C. Patient may experience side effects such as nausea/vomiting, alopecia, and weight loss

D. Patient may experience arthralgias, peripheral edema, and seizures

Infection Detection › View

Tiny, one-celled organisms that get nutrients from their environment in order to live.

A. stomach

B. cilia

C. infection

D. bacteria