Medical Quiz

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Quiz

What is the purpose of red bone marrow in the skeletal system?

A. fat storage

B. muscle contraction

C. blood cell production

D. hormone secretion

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Fitness Chest, Back, Abs Human Anatomy Study Guide Cells Skin Diseases Infectious Diseases Acute Responses to Exercise Transport system in Living Things (Human) Nutrition in Humans and Animals Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Healthy Living Vocabulary Burns and Skin Cancer Hematology Lab Values Epidemiology Healthy Living

Other quiz:

Heart › View

The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that an additional stretch of the myocardium produces a significant increase in __________ on the next beat.

A. contraction force

B. afterload

C. electrical activity

D. None of the choices are correct.

E. cardiac reserve

Biology › View

Eukaryotic cells have their genetic information stored in the…

A. chloroplast

B. mitochondria

C. cytoplasm

D. nucleus