Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Neurons communicate with each other through which of the following?

A. Hormones

B. Synapses

C. Blood vessels

D. Muscles

Select your answer:


Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Transportation in Organisms EKG CCMA CNA Introduction Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Blood clotting Med Term Musculoskeletal Heart and Blood Vessels Health and Disease Human Physiology Fluid Therapy Neuroanatomy & Physiology Blood and Bones Disease Prevention Genetic Engineering

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Short term effects of exercise begin to occur

A. Immediately

B. Half an hour after exercise

C. An hour after exercise

D. 24 hours after exercise

Balanced Diet › View

What is a goiter?

A. An enlarged thyroid gland

B. A vitamin C deficiency

C. Malnutrition