Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What are body organs made of?

A. Muscular tissue

B. Epithelial tissue

C. Nervous tissue

D. Connective tissue

Select your answer:


Patho_Genetics Bones, Joints and Muscles Erythrocyte Disorders Types of Immunity Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Nail Muscles and Healthy Body Teeths Macromolecules & Nutrients Digestive System and Nutrition Medicinal use of Microorganisims Nail Diseases and Disorders Branches of Medicine Stroke Genetics

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Nutrition › View

Define the term ‘balanced diet’.
A. A diet containing some nutrients in the correct proportions.
B. A diet containing most nutrients in the correct proportions.
C. A diet containing none nutrients in the correct proportions.
D. A diet containing all nutrients in the correct proportions.

Deficiency Disease › View

Ram has poor visibility in the night due to lack of vit.A in his diet.True/False