Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Superficial pain is primarily sensed by which type of nociceptors?

A. A-delta fibers

B. C fibers

C. A-beta fibers

D. A-alpha fibers

Select your answer:


Consciousness and Sleep The Cell Cycle Medicine on the Western Front Cancer (Bio II) Meiosis and intro to Genetics Blood and Bones Levels of Organization The Inflammatory Response Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Acute Responses to Exercise Hematology Immune Response Plant Biotechnology Neuron Structure Molecular Genetics

Other quiz:

Health and Diseases › View

Diabetes is a ___________

A. Deficiency disease

B. Communicable disease

C. Non-communicable disease

D. None of the above

Brain and Nervous System › View

What is one action the brain stem does not control?

A. Talking

B. Digestion

C. Heart rate

D. Breathing