Medical Quiz

Nervous and Endocrine System Quiz

What part of the brain controls movement of the skeletal muscles?

A. cerebellum

B. diencephalon

C. medualla oblengata

Select your answer:


Molecular Genetics Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Diabetes Mellitus Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease DNA and Genetic Manipulation Cell Reproduction Parts of Human Body Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Muscle pathophysiology Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Food Microbiology Cells Adaptive Immune System DNA Structure and Function Soldiers of Defense

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Urinary › View

Indicate the most abundant cation in the extracellular fluid.

A. K+

B. Na+

C. Cl

D. SO4 2-

Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition › View

One of the best ways to follow a healthy diet is to read _____.

A. magazine articles

B. food labels

C. diet books

D. legal guidlines