Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

What effect does growth hormone have on bone and muscle cells?

A. Causes cells there to divide to cause growth

B. Causes cells there to stretch to cause growth

C. Causes cells there to grow bigger to cause growth

Select your answer:


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Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp › View

What is the main function of the skeletal system in relation to the muscular system?

A. to provide attachment points for muscles

B. to assist muscles in growth and development

C. to produce muscle cells inside the bone marrow

D. to produce enzymes that help the muscles repair themselves

Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries › View

Which ligament is affected by an eversion ankle sprain 

A. anterior talofibular

B. deltoid

C. posterior talofibular

D. calcaneofibular