Medical Quiz

Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Explain the role of decomposer bacteria in an ecosystem.

A. Decomposer bacteria regulate the climate in the ecosystem.

B. Decomposer bacteria break down dead organisms and organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the ecosystem.

C. Decomposer bacteria are responsible for pollination in the ecosystem.

D. Decomposer bacteria produce energy for other organisms in the ecosystem.

Select your answer:


Careers in Health Care Degeneration Pathology Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Diagnostic Tools Thyroid Disease Diseases Human Genetics Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Oronasal Suctioning Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Healthcare Systems and Insurance Biochemistry Bone Clinical Pathology

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B. Helps with our digestive system

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