Medical Quiz

History of Healthcare Quiz

Who discovered a cure to the polio virus?

A. Alfred Sabin

B. Jonas Salk

C. Alexander Fleming

D. Louis Pasteur

Select your answer:


Eyes Muscles and Movements Cardiovascular System Terminology Respiratory Acidosis Hospital Departments Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Health and Hygiene Skin Growth Health-Wellness-Illness Skeletal Tissue SSTI and Bone Infections Microbiology Health and Social Care Respiratory System Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Other quiz:

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Inflammation is designed to be a protective mechanism



Excretion › View

Which of the following statements regarding freshwater fish is true?

A. Freshwater fish frequently drink to obtain salt ions

B. Freshwater fish do not produce urine

C. Freshwater fish use their gills to actively take up salt ions

D. Freshwater fish lose water through their gills by osmosis