Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Why do you lose hearing if the endolymph inside the cochlear breaches the vestibular membrane?

A. Compression of the organ of corti

B. Organ of corti is depolarised

C. Organ of corti is hyperpolarised

D. None of the above

Select your answer:


Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Cartilage Conjunctivita Eyes Endocrine System and Nervous System Dementia Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Pathology Inflammation MEDICINE Muscles and Healthy Body Endocrine System Types of Doctors Excretion-Dialysis Skeleton The Vascular System and Blood Flow

Other quiz:

Respiratory Acidosis › View

What is the body’s compensation when having Respiratory Acidosis?

A. The kidney’s excretes HCO3-

B. Your lungs will hyperventilate

C. The kidney’s will reabsorb HCO3-

D. Your lungs will hypoventilate

Health and The Environment › View

What does nauseous mean?

A. feeling sick

B. having fever

C. feeling like vomitting

D. having a headache