Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Quiz

What is the purpose of a complete blood count (CBC) test in hematology?

A. To measure bone density

B. To assess lung function

C. The purpose of a complete blood count (CBC) test in hematology is to evaluate overall health, diagnose conditions, monitor treatments, and screen for health issues.

D. To evaluate dental health

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Muscular System The Musculoskeletal System PBS Routine Testing Orthopedics Mouth - Stomach Cardiovascular System Food Microbiology Normal Radiographic Anatomy Epidemiology Trauma Surgery Bacteria and Protist Review The Nervous System Hospitality Vascular Diseases

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Skill component that describes how quickly your body can respond to what your brain senses.

A. reaction time

B. coordination

C. speed

D. power

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The uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells is called

A. Asthma

B. Emphysema

C. Cancer

D. Bronchitis