Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Disorders Quiz

What is the main symptom of dwarfism?

A. Mental retardation

B. Obesity

C. Shorter than average height

D. Heat intolerance

Select your answer:


Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Pulmonology Head and Neck Anatomy Human Anatomy Properties of the Hair Terms and Definitions - Diseases Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Pancreatitis Fish Health Management Gastroenterology Body Defense PHE Healthy Lifestyle Herd Immunity

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What is the basic unit of life?
A. atom
B. organelle
C. cell
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In gel electrophoresis, the largest DNA fragment will appear

A. closest to the starting wells

B. farthest from the starting wells

C. three quarters away from the starting wells

D. it depends on how many fragments there are