Medical Quiz

Bacteria Structure Quiz

What type of bacteria are able to undergo photosynthesis?

A. Chemoheterotrophs

B. Photoautotrophs

C. Decomposers

D. Chemoautotrophs

Select your answer:


Human Brain Thyroid Gland HFT Vitamins The Skeletal System Immunity & Cancer Macromolecules Monoclonal Antibodies Anatomy and Physiology Hormones Measles and Hib Components of Blood Heart Anatomy Gaseous Exchange in Humans Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Molecular Biology

Other quiz:

Endocrinology › View

Which of the following is the longest acting insulin?

A. Lispro

B. Aspart

C. Glargine

D. Glulisine

Transport System › View

A heart attack patient is suffering blockage in the coronary arteries that branched into arteries supplying the blood to AV node. What is the effect of this blockage the patient’s heart?

A. The AV node caused a prolonged delay in generating impulse.

B. The AV node generate impulse without any delay after SA node.

C. The Ventricles will contract more frequently in each cardiac cycle

D. The atrium will contract slower than normal.