Medical Quiz

Respiration in Organisms Quiz

How does the structure of the leaf in plants facilitate gaseous exchange?

A. Through small openings called stomata

B. By releasing oxygen into the air

C. Through the roots

D. By absorbing sunlight

Select your answer:


Skin Appendages Human Anatomy Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Cardiovascular Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Components of Blood Health Systems Disease & Immunity Anatomical Terminology Stress Human Body and Pathogens Anatomy and Physiology Muscular System Movements Musculoskeletal

Other quiz:

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Which stage of life does the following occur: Learning social skills, toilet training and eating on your own

A. Youth

B. Early Childhood

C. Late Childhood

D. Infancy

Uses of Radioactive Radiation › View

A benefit to using nuclear fission power is that it:

A. supplies a lot of electricity

B. conserves organic fuels, like oil, coal, and wood

C. eliminates huge quantities of sulfur dioxides, which pollute our air

D. all of the choices