Medical Quiz

Enzymes and Digestion Quiz

Where is bile produced and stored in the body?

A. Produced and stored in the gall bladder

B. Produced in the stomach and stored in the liver

C. Produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder

D. Produced and stored in the pancreas

Select your answer:


Hospitality Pathology Inflammation Body Macro and Micro Nutrients Introduction to Mycology First Aid Bleeding Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Physical Education Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Intravenous Fluid Therapy Stroke Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Hazards & Risks Micro Immunology Types of Nutrients

Other quiz:

Coronary Heart Diseases › View

What is the meaning of coronary heart disease (CHD)?

A. A disease of the damage septum in heart

B. A disease when you eat a lot of unhealthy food

C. A disease when your coronary arteries become narrower because the plaque buildup

D. A disease when you become lazy to do exercise

Pain Management › View

Identify the incorrect match



c. LAREGAB – Emcure

A. a & b are Incorrect match

B. Only c is incorrect match

C. Only b is incorrect match

D. a & c is incorrect match