Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

Which one of the following is the correct order of a feedback system.

A. Receptor, control centre and effector

B. Effector, control centre, receptor

C. Receptor, effector, control centre

D. None of the above

Select your answer:


Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Heterotrophic Nutrition Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Monoclonal Antibodies Immunity & Cancer Body Systems and Medical Sciences The Teeth Nursing Vocabulary Cardiology Cell Transport Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Reproduction Skin Growth Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Cell Structure and Function Concept

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When you inale, the diaphragm

A. relaxes and moves inferiorly

B. replaces and moves superiorly

C. contracts and moves superiorly

D. contracts and moves inferiorly