Medical Quiz

Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Quiz

decrease in bone mass; results in thinning and weakening of bones; porous bone easily fractures

A. osteoporosis

B. arthritis

C. osteogenesis imperfecta

D. rheumatoid arthritis

Select your answer:


Fluid and Electrolytes Neuroanatomy of CNS Hematology Mycology World Health Day Bone Physiology Water Macromolecules Linked Gene Tissues Vet Science Terms Disease & Immunity Lipids Macromolecules Musculoskeletal Injuries Macronutrients & Micronutrients My Teeth

Other quiz:

Genetics › View

Which mutation is most likely classified as neutral?

A. a mutation that contributes to the aging process

B. a mutation that causes cells to become cancerous

C. a mutation that is automatically repaired by an organism

D. a mutation that is caused by environmental exposure

Anatomy And Physiology › View

Which of the following groupings of the abdominopelvic regions is medial?

A. Hypochondriac, Hypogastric, Umbilical

B. Hypochondriac, Lumbar, Inguinal

C. Hypogastric, Umbilical, Epigastric

D. Lumbar, Umbilical, Iliac

E. Iliac, Umbilical, Hypochondriac