Medical Quiz

Cardiology Medications Quiz

Ototoxicity is a side effect related to this diuretic.

A. acetazolamide

B. mannitol

C. frusemide

D. thiazide

Select your answer:


Health and Diseases Mitosis Heterotrophic Nutrition Immunity and Vaccines Tissues Vocabulary Degeneration Pathology Hospital Departments Serology/Blood Typing DNA Replication Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Properties of The Hair and Scalp RDA Dental Caries Safety and First Aid Hospital Unit Schizophrenia

Other quiz:

Psychiatry › View

The Indian society of psychiatric nurses was formed in the year

A. 1986

B. 1989

C. 1991

D. 1995

Adaptive Immune System › View

Once an antigen presenting macrophage has engulfed a pathogen and is displaying its antigens, where does it migrate to?

A. The site of infection

B. The Blood Stream

C. Towards antibodies

D. To the Lymph Nodes