Medical Quiz

Environmental Biotechnology Quiz

Why do algae blooms happen?

A. there are too many nutrients in the water

B. there is not enough turbidity in the water

C. there are too many fish in the water

D. all of these options

Select your answer:


Diet Disorders of The Joints Body Fluids and Blood Cells Personal Growth Plan Human Organ System Forensic Pathology Medical Careers The Circulatory System Transplantation Immunology Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Disease Kinetics Muscoskeletal System T Cells Measles and Hib

Other quiz:

Stress › View

The two types of stress are ___________ and ____________

A. Positive and horrible

B. Positive and negative

C. Positive and Constant

D. Positive and Bad

Genetics › View

Traits that are always displayed no matter what the other allele is

A. dominant

B. recessive

C. genetic

D. acquired