All of the follwoig are predisposing factors for skin cancer EXCEPT:
A. Smoking
B. UV light
C. Chronic ulcer
D. Infrared light
Select your answer:
Physical Pharmacy Cariology Radiology Infection Control Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Urinary Orthopedics Breath Nutrition Lipid Metabolic Sauver First Aid Bleeding Physiology Genetic Engineering Sense of Sight Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Infectious DiseaseOther quiz:
Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › ViewDNA replication turns one strand of DNA into two new strands of DNA. What percent of each new strand is the old strand?
A. Half of each new DNA is the old DNA
B. The old strand of DNA was digested, so none
C. The new DNA is entirely made up of the old DNA
D. About every sixth base comes from the old DNA
Musculoskeletal - Clinical › View
A nurse is caring for a client who has a new below-the-knee amputation. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
A. Rewrap the stump 3 times a day.
B. Anchor the elastic bandage to the distal site of the amputation.
C. Elevate the stump on 2 pillows for the first 3 days following the amputation.
D. Wrap the stump in a consecutive circular direction.