Medical Quiz

Medicine Clinics Quiz

Regarding Malaria all are true except

A. Clinical features may include fever, malaise, pallor, icterus, hepatosplenomegaly

B. Indigenous malaria is common in Kerala

C. Vector is female Anopheles mosquito

D. Severe illness may cause respiratory distress, seizures, renal failure, hypoglycemia

Select your answer:


Neuroanatomy The Digestive System First Aid Bleeding Nail Mutations Major Nutrients Foot Orthosis Vocab CVA Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Diagnostic Tools Health-Wellness-Illness Macromolecules & Enzymes The Musculoskeletal System Excretory System Human Anatomy

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If a plant receives more carbon dioxide, what happens to the rate of photosynthesis?

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Stays the same

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What is one way the respiratory system and the circulatory system work together in the human body?

A. The circulatory system takes in nutrients, while the respiratory system delivers oxygen.

B. The circulatory system takes in water, and the respiratory system takes in carbon dioxide.

C. The respiratory system takes in nutrients, while the circulatory system delivers carbon dioxide to the cells of the body.

D. The respiratory system takes in oxygen, and the circulatory system delivers the oxygen to the cells of the body.