Medical Quiz

Dermatology Quiz

Which is NOT a sign of a aspergillosis infection?

A. Depigmentation of the nose

B. Pustules

C. nasal discharge

D. epistaxis

Select your answer:


Human Body Med Term Musculoskeletal Source of Food Major Nutrients Communicable Disease Asexual Reproduction Fitness EMR - Trauma Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Regulation of Heart Rate The Circulatory System Human Eye and Colourful World Genetics and Probability Obstructive Lung Disease Human Urinary System

Other quiz:

Injury › View

This injury is also know as… “runners knee”

A. Chondromalacia patella

B. Osgood-schlatter

C. Osteitis Pubis

D. Torn Meniscus

Physical and Sensory Impairment › View

A person with a Disability wants you to feel sorry for them?