Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

Alleles are different forms of a single _________.

A. Genotype

B. Phenotype

C. Gene

D. Trait

Select your answer:


Thyroid Contemporary Nutrition Issues Circulatory and Nervous System Sarcomere Anatomy Blood Typing Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Laser in Medicine Molecular Biology Skin Food Lung & Breathing Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Endocrinology Gene Cloning Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System

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What is another word that can be used to describe “homeostasis”?

A. dynamic balance

B. Equal

C. Complete

D. dynamic changes

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refers to an acute infection of the lungs causing it to fill up with mucus. This is a serious disease caused by a viral and bacterial infection.

A. Pneumonia

B. Tuberculosis