Viruses use their spikes or tail fibers to attach to phospholipids of the cell membrane.
Select your answer:
Fats And Oil Disease Cardiovascular and Respiratory Infectious Disease The Inflammatory Response Carbohydrate Metabolism Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Healthy Living Vocabulary Virus and Bacteria Vision and Light Bone Marrow Histology Counseling: Fact or Myth? Endocrine System Disorders Endocrinology FatOther quiz:
Principles of Microbiology › ViewA small group of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases are called _____________
A. Pathogens
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Flu
Neuroanatomy › View
What role does fiber type play in determining the localization of pain sensation?
A. Fiber type has no effect on pain localization.
B. Myelinated fibers are involved in localizing superficial pain, while unmyelinated fibers are involved in localizing deep pain.
C. Unmyelinated fibers are involved in localizing superficial pain, while myelinated fivers are involved in localizing deep pain.
D. Both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers are equally involved in localizing both superficial and deep pain.