Medical Quiz

Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Quiz

Uncontrolled cell division is known as

A. meiosis

B. cancer

C. antibody production

D. sexual reproduction

Select your answer:


Children Well-being Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Division of Microbiology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Measles and Hib Obstructive Lung Disease ESR (RBC sed rate) Microbes Muscle Anatomy Nutrition and Calorific Value Geriatrics Brain and Nervous System Immunology Vessels Pathogens, Disease and Immunity

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Ankle Injuries › View

Caused by the foot inverting, resulting in ligaments tearing.

A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

B. Anterior Compartment Syndrome

C. Jones Fracture

D. Turf toe sprain

E. Ankle sprain

Biotechnology › View

DNA fingerprinting works because

A. Most genes are dominant

B. All organisms contain RNA

C. The most important genes are different among most people

D. No two people, except identical twins, have exactly the same DNA