Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

Which of the following component is outermost?

A. Outermembrane

B. Capsules

C. Cytoplasmic membrane

D. Peptidoglycan

Select your answer:


Skin Structure and Growth Macromolecules and Enzymes Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses How the Eyes work Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Human Organs Skin Structure HNBS Intern Blood Formation and Clotting Trauma Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Respiratory System Med Term Antibiotic in Orthopaedics The Blood

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What results in gene diversity?

A. Gene recombination

B. Somatic mutation

C. Gene conversion

D. All the above

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New workers at McDonald’s are required to complete an employee-training program to improve the work efficiency and compete for healthy competitions. This program may have been implemented by which type of psychologist?

A. Health psychologist

B. Educational psychologist

C. Industrial/Organization psychologist

D. Social psychologist